Gentle tooth extractions in Dubai, UAE

Tooth extractions can be necessary for a variety of reasons ranging from genetics to illness and injury. When the need for a tooth extraction arises, it is important to find a dental specialist that you can trust. At Precision Dental Clinic in Dubai, UAE, we provide comprehensive care for our patients who need dental extractions and are with you every step of the way, from the initial consultation through your procedure and follow-up care.

Why teeth may need to be extracted

At Precision Dental Clinic, our care philosophy includes using conservative methods to save your natural tooth if possible. This may involve the use of fillings, root canal therapy, or gum disease treatments to restore health back to a diseased or broken tooth. However, sometimes, an extraction is necessary because the tooth is too damaged to save due to issues such as:

  • Severe decay
  • Gum disease that has affected the periodontal ligaments or bone
  • Injury to the tooth

Additionally, wisdom teeth removal or extractions for orthodontic purposes may be necessary, particularly in cases when teeth are impacted, or overcrowding is preventing adult teeth from being in their proper position.

The tooth extraction process

In many cases, tooth extraction can be done with local anesthesia in one visit at our office, including molar extractions. On the day of the extraction, you come in to the office and we numb the tooth and the surrounding area. Once you are fully numb, we loosen the tooth by gently rocking it back and forth, and then remove it. Larger teeth may need to be broken into pieces prior to being removed.

In cases where the tooth is impacted or has not fully grown into the mouth, surgical extraction may be necessary, where we make a small incision in your gums to access the tooth and then extract it through the incision. Afterwards, the incision is stitched as needed.

After your extraction, we will give you gauze to bite down on to help form a blood clot where the tooth was extracted, and we will walk through all of the after-care information you need in detail so you can recover quickly and without pain. In many cases, we recommend replacing the extracted tooth with a false tooth to help preserve its function and your overall oral health.

 At Precision Dental Clinic, we make extractions comfortable and we specialize in providing beautiful, functional restorations such as dental implants. Call our downtown Dubai office today at 04 - 2756731.

With our comprehensive array of cosmetic & general dentistry services and a gentle, caring approach, we are here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile again. Our Dubai office can be reached at - New Patients: 04 - 2756731 and Existing Patients: 04 - 3889262 .