Orthodontics options for a beautiful smile and a healthy bite in Dubai, UAE

If you have something you’d like to improve about your smile, you are not alone. Most people have issues such as crooked teeth, gaps, overcrowding, or problems with their bite that not only affect how they feel about their smile, but also their overall oral health. At Precision Dental Clinic in Dubai, UAE, we offer holistic orthodontics for both children and adults so every member of your family can have a beautiful, healthy smile.

Orthodontic Treatments at Precision Dental Clinic - Dr. Punit Thawani

Are you someone near Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, looking to get straight teeth or correct your bite. Dr. Punit H. Thawani from Precision Dental Clinic is the ideal person you should visit for all your Orthodontic treatments. Watch the video as he explains all you need to know about orthodontic treatments.
Video Transcript

Why you should see an orthodontist?

Orthodontists do a lot more than straightening teeth. They also,

  • Make your teeth look really good
  • Help in correcting your bite
  • Guide the growth and development of the jaws

So, having straight teeth has a lot of functional benefits. Straight teeth are easier, and this improves the overall health of your teeth. Also, having a good bite will improve the functioning of your teeth.

When do you start orthodontics for kids at Precision Dental Clinic?

At Precision Dental Clinic, we follow the American Association of Orthodontists’ guidelines of starting to see patients at the age of seven or eight to evaluate what their orthodontic treatment needs are.

If we do see some specific signs of a problem growing, we would do orthodontic treatment for kids at this age before it gets worse over time.

What types of appliances do you use at Precision Dental Clinic?

Here at Precision Dental Clinic, we use a whole host of appliances for treatments. They are,

  • Different types of traditional metal braces
  • White-colored braces made of ceramic
  • Removable appliances such as Invisalign
  • Invisible braces which are fixed braces stuck at the back of the teeth

Orthodontics options: more than just braces

When most people think about orthodontics, metal braces are what first comes to mind. But orthodontics has come a long way and there are many options available nowadays to treat a wide range of issues while fitting your individual treatment preferences. Orthodontics can help with:

  • Teeth straightening
  • Reducing gaps or crowding
  • Correcting bite problems, including an overbite, underbite, cross bite, or open bite
  • Jaw size issues, such as too small of an arch

Orthodontic care for all ages

While most people think of orthodontics as being a rite of passage for teenagers, orthodontics for kids and adults can also be incredibly beneficial. We offer orthodontics at all life stages:

  • Children’s teeth and jaws undergo an incredible amount of development in their early years. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that each child have an orthodontic consultation when they turn seven so that we can identify any issues with their jaw development or tooth alignment.
  • Teenagers are at an optimal age for straightening teeth and correcting any bite issues. We offer a broad array of teeth straightening options, including metal braces, tooth-colored ceramic braces, and even Invisalign® Teen for nearly invisible tooth straightening.
  • Adults may have never had their teeth straightened, or they may have had braces long ago, but their teeth have regressed back into misalignment; other times, extractions or other dental treatments may achieve better results when paired with orthodontics. No matter what your need, our orthodontist has the experience and skills to help you achieve the beautiful smile you deserve.

Aside from helping you feel great about your smile, orthodontics can also improve your oral health. Straight teeth are easier to clean with brushing and flossing, leaving you less vulnerable to decay and gum disease, and when your bite is correctly aligned, it reduces unnecessary wear and tear on your teeth.

To learn more about which orthodontics options are right for you or a member of your family, call Precision Dental Clinic in downtown Dubai today! 04 - 2756731

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Orthodontics Videos

Space Maintainers- Precision Dental Clinic – Dubai

Specialist Orthodontist, Dr. Punit Thawani explains what space maintainers are and how they would help maintain space for upcoming permanent teeth.
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Apart from helping in chewing, speaking and lightening up your child’s smile – the milk teeth serve another important function and that is to maintain the space for the coming permanent teeth. So, the help of the milk teeth is an important factor in the ultimate alignment of the permanent teeth. Now this becomes important when the child’s milk teeth have to be removed earlier than it’s normal time. In such cases a dentist might prescribe what is known as a Space Maintainer in order to make space for the upcoming teeth. Unfortunately a lot of parents don’t take this very seriously and we, as orthodontists, see complex problems developing because of this – because the milk teeth have drifted into the space that has been created and the permanent teeth that was supposed to come gets stuck because of the lack of space. And this increases the complexity and the cost of treatment later. So to avoid such a problem take care of 3 things – one, make sure that your child follows excellent dental hygiene habits. Two regular checkups with the dentist to make sure the teeth are in optimal health and three – if for any reason your child’s milk teeth are to be removed early please get a space maintainer in place. Until next time remember for yourself and your kids – brush floss rinse repeat.

Orthodontic Treatment for Kids – Precision Dental Clinic – Dubai

Specialist Orthodontist, Dr Punit Thawani explains the advantages of early orthodontic check for your child to improve the growth and oral health of your child. Precision Dental Clinic – Dubai
Video Transcript

Parents often ask us when is the best time for the kids to get braces? Well the simple answer is that is different from child to child. So it’s important to get your child checked by an orthodontist at about the age of seven, so that the orthodontist can determine when is the best time for the child to start braces. So does that mean we are going to slap on braces for your seven year old babies? Not necessarily. The advantage of sync is this young is that we can catch certain problems when they are developing and take certain measures to stop them from getting worse or to prevent them from occurring at all. We can start with treatment like treatment for habits like thumb sucking or make sure that the milk teeth are falling on time and even do certain treatments to improve the growth and development of your child’s jaws. So please remember to take your child for an orthodontic check-up at the age of seven. So the orthodontist can decide when is the best time for them to start treatment and until next time hashtag brush floss rinse repeat.

Aesthetic Orthodontic Appliances

Specialist Orthodontist, Dr. Punit Thawani talks about the options you can look into to help straighten your teeth.
Video Transcript

For many adults having straight teeth is a dream that could not be fulfilled. It could be because they did not have braces as a kids, or maybe they had braces but they didn’t wear their retainers. Whatever the case a lot of people would like to have their teeth straightened but as an adult you feel kind of shy having braces – that is something kids have so if you fall into this category, it might be best to speak to your orthodontist about aesthetic orthodontic appliances. Now these are orthodontic appliances, that could be braces or other types of appliances which would straighten your teeth but they don’t look ugly as the metal braces that you see that many kids wear. So these would be white braces with white wires, which are not really very visible, or they could be Invisalign, transparent invisible, plastic aligners which are transparent and almost invisible. Or it can even be regular metal braces, but stuck on the back so that they are almost completely invisible. Now these have all types of upsides and downsides so be sure to speak to your dentist about it so until next time whatever you do – brush floss rinse repeat

When should your child see an Orthodontist – Precision Dental Clinic – Dubai

Specialist Orthodontist, Dr. Punit Thawani discusses the problems to watch out for with your child's teeth and the ideal age to take them to see an orthodontist.
Video Transcript

Do you have a child in between the ages of seven to ten and when you look at their teeth you feel that something needs to be done about them but they’re not quite in their teenage years yet so not sure if you can take them to an orthodontist? Well here’s a quick guide the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child have an orthodontic consultation around the age of seven especially if you see some of these problems that could be protrusion of the upper teeth that’s the upper teeth sticking out too much, cross bite where the lower teeth are sticking out too much in front of the upper teeth, excessively crowded or spaced teeth or if the child has missing teeth or milk teeth that are refusing to fall. Also, if your child has a finger or a thumb sucking habit and last but not the least, if they are very conscious about the way their teeth look or they’re getting called names or getting teased in school. A short post of orthodontic treatment usually around six months can help in correcting these problems. So, if you are in doubt and not sure what to do feel free to contact us and we will help you out and let you know if your child is a candidate for early orthodontic treatment. Until next time remember to brush, floss, rinse repeat.

Success Stories

What our customers say

Patient Testimonials

Teeth alignment with braces can be a brilliant experience.

This patient is very happy with his teeth alignment experience with braces and con-siders it a brilliant journey.
Video Transcript

Hello, I’m Aryan. I’ve been referred to Dr. Punit by Dr. Salah from another clinic to do my teeth alignment using braces.

“It took me two years and a half to correct my teeth. Throughout my journey, it’s brilliant, and I love the experience to know what it was like and to see as my teeth changes.

It was amazing, especially to see the pictures contrasting. I am very happy with the results. Thank you!.

See the amazing difference braces can make!

Patients love Precision Dental Clinic for the amazing difference we can make in their smiles and their lives.
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When I actually started, I had a lot of gaps in between my teeth, and that made me insecure as a young child.

After a year or two with braces, my teeth are finally amazing. I am so grateful. And the experience was amazing.

And seeing the difference between my old teeth and my new teeth now is just mind-blowing. Thank you, Dr. Punit.

With our comprehensive array of cosmetic & general dentistry services and a gentle, caring approach, we are here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile again. Our Dubai office can be reached at - New Patients: 04 - 2756731 and Existing Patients: 04 - 3889262 .