General dentistry services for the whole family in Dubai, UAE

Maintaining great oral health is about more than just brushing and flossing. At Precision Dental Clinic in Dubai, UAE, we offer a wide variety of general dentistry services to keep your smile not just healthy, but also a beautiful reflection of your unique personality.

General dentistry services

Our dentists provide care for a wide range of dental needs, from routine cleanings to more advanced general dentistry services such as root canal therapy.

  • Dental cleanings – Getting regular dental cleanings at the interval your dentist recommends is one of the best ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy and avoid needing to undergo more costly and time-consuming restorative procedures; we use ultrasonic instruments and specialized tools to make the scaling and polishing process comfortable yet thorough
  • Tooth-colored fillings – Fillings are the most common restorative dental procedure, and they are a highly effective way to halt tooth decay and restore your tooth to its full function
  • Root canal therapy – Injuries, decay, and old restorations can all lead to an infection deep within the tooth; when this happens, root canal therapy can be used to eliminate the infection and save your natural tooth
  • Extractions – Sometimes, one or more teeth need to be extracted due to the way your teeth develop, injury, disease, or other factors; we offer gentle and comfortable extractions and a variety of effective tooth replacement options to help restore the function of the lost tooth, such as dental implants and dental bridges

The Precision Dental Clinic difference

At Precision Dental Clinic, you as the patient are our number one priority and are at the center of everything we do. We take every step necessary to help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile, and in many cases, we have multiple treatment options for you to choose from should you need restorative care.

 Whether you are suffering from pain in your teeth or gums, have dental work that you have been putting off, or are simply due for a checkup and cleaning, call Precisions Dental Clinic to schedule your appointment today! With our comprehensive array of cosmetic & general dentistry services and a gentle, caring approach, we are here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile again. Our Dubai office can be reached at 04 - 2756731.

Video Transcript

Fact or myth? Expensive toothpastes are always better than cheaper ones – myth. Different toothpastes are better for different teeth and situations. Sometimes moderately priced toothpaste can be more effective. Ask the dentist what might be best for your teeth and always look for the ADA seal of approval.

Fact or myth? If a tooth is white it must be healthy. Myth – under the surface there maybe cavities problems with the root or other abnormalities.

Fact or myth? Teeth whitening is harmful because it damages enamel. Myth – there are many modern teeth whitening processes that have minimal harmful effects. Teeth whitening is not for every mouth or person though. Consult the dentist before you proceed with whitening treatments.

Fact or myth? Dentists should be feared. Myth – with today’s advancements, technology and safety practices, there is nothing to worry about. Procedures are as quick and painless as ever.

Fact or myth? You should visit your dentist at least 2 a year. Fact! So many smiles, so many solutions!

With our comprehensive array of cosmetic & general dentistry services and a gentle, caring approach, we are here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile again. Our Dubai office can be reached at - New Patients: 04 - 2756731 and Existing Patients: 04 - 3889262 .