Dental hygiene services for a healthy smile in Dubai, UAE

At Precision Dental Clinic, preventive dentistry is at the heart of all the care that we provide. Most dental issues can be avoided with good oral hygiene, which consists of taking good care of your teeth at home daily as well as seeing the dentist twice per year for professional dental hygiene visits. At our dental office in downtown Dubai, UAE, we make it easy to visit the dentist for your professional cleanings, with a convenient location, weekend appointments, and extended office hours until 8 pm.

Taking care of your teeth at home

Healthy teeth and gums start at home with a good oral hygiene routine. We recommend the following daily care for the healthiest smile:

  • Brush your teeth after every meal, or at least two times per day, with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a high-quality toothpaste
  • Floss or use another type of interdental cleaner at least once per day to remove any debris or plaque from the small spaces between your teeth and gums
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash if you desire
  • Maintain a healthy diet and avoid sugary snacks and beverages such as soda, candy, and desserts; when you do enjoy these foods, make sure to brush as soon as possible afterwards

Our dental hygiene process

The primary focus at routine hygiene visits is cleaning your teeth of any plaque and/or calculus that have accumulated on your teeth since the last visit, which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay if they are not removed. This is accomplished through gentle scaling by our dental hygienist. Using a specialized tool, the hygienist removes any build-up from your teeth and then polishes your teeth, which serves the double purpose of making your teeth bright and shiny as well as reducing the surface area for bacteria and plaque to cling to. During this time, we can also answer any questions that you have about your current oral health or how to best take care of your teeth. All of this is done within about 30-35 minutes and afterwards, you are free to go about your day as usual.

Maintaining Oral Health – Precision Dental Clinic – Dubai

Maintaining your oral health – Brush, floss, avoiding sugary and acidic drinks and visit your dentist regularly. Dr Sharon Anand – Precision Dental Clinic – Dubai
Video Transcript

The bacteria in your mouth are not generally harmful. But when the food you eat stays in your mouth, the bacteria start working on it to produce acids. And this acid in turn causes tooth decay or cavity as we know it. While the decay or cavity is on enamel which is the outer part of the tooth, you won’t have any pain or sensitivity. But when it starts proceeding and enter the second part of the or the inner part of the tooth called the dentin you will end up having pain or sensitivity. But hey, you can avoid cavities by number one, brushing twice in a day with a fluoridated toothpaste, number two is flossing once a day, number three would be avoiding sugary and acidic food and drinks number four, visit you dentist regularly and remember hashtag brush floss rinse repeat.

 To schedule your routine hygiene visit at Precision Dental, call us today at 04 - 2756731 or visit us online to request your appointment. We look forward to helping you achieve a bright, healthy smile! 

Progress of Tooth Decay- Precision Dental Clinic – Dubai

Periodontist and Specialist in dental implants, Dr. Shweta Prabhu discusses the progress of tooth decay and the symptoms you may face at each stage.
Video Transcript

Hi everybody. Today I want to take you through the steps of decay or the progress of tooth decay. It becomes very important for us to understand because you know what appropriate steps you can take. All of us know that decay or caries as we call it is caused by plaque and the bacteria that live in the plaque. Now when these bacteria have got enough time to release acid and demineralize your tooth, remove the minerals from your tooth, it always moves in. First, it will infect or enter through the enamel but it demineralizes that. Now at this stage what you will see is probably some white opaque spots or maybe a darkening of the tooth structure like really dark groves. At this stage you will probably not be feeling any sensitivity or any symptoms. But a visit to your dentist at this time could help you evaluate early decay and take care of it. Next step once the enamel has gone, then we go into the dentin. That is the caries will go into the dentin. And once it has entered the dentin, very often you might have some amount of sensitivity especially when you eat sweet foods, some sensitivity to cold. All of this will start showing up on and off. The last and the most severe state is when the decay has reached the pulp or the living tissue of the tooth. Now at this stage some people still might not have pain but a lot of people will have pain sometimes accompanied with swelling in the gums or swelling on the face if it has acted up very severely or depending on your immunity levels. Once that happens then the root canal will have to be done to save that tooth, whereas when the decay is restricted to the enamel or the dentin levels, a good filling, a sound filling will take care of that tooth. So, to prevent and to avoid these problems, remember to brush floss rinse repeat.

With our comprehensive array of cosmetic & general dentistry services and a gentle, caring approach, we are here to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile again. Our Dubai office can be reached at - New Patients: 04 - 2756731 and Existing Patients: 04 - 3889262 .