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Root Canal Treatment in Dubai Area

Preserve Your Tooth and Oral Health with Precision Root Canal Treatment

Is your tooth sensitive to hot or cold foods? Do you have a constant toothache that’s not responding to home remedies? Your tooth may be infected, and you might need root canal treatment from Precision Dental Clinic to save your tooth from an unpleasant outcome. If you suspect an infected tooth, Dr. Anisha Kumar of Dubai, United Arabs Emirates, can remove the infected pulp to save your tooth from irreversible damage. 

The anatomical structure of your tooth

Your natural tooth comprises two main parts — the crown and the root.The crown is the visible, white part, while the root is the component that secures your tooth to the jawbone. The exterior layer of the crown is called enamel, and it serves as a protective barrier against external factors. Just beneath the enamel lies the dentine, responsible for transferring sensations from the enamel into the pulp.

At the center of your tooth, you have the pulp chamber, containing nerves, blood vessels, and other connective tissues. Because of damage, decay, gum disease, or other dental issues, harmful bacteria can infiltrate your pulp chamber, causing infection. When this happens, you’ll experience discomfort and potential abscess from the pus forming. At this stage, you need endodontic therapy to save your tooth from dying.

Why you might need a root canal

Although a dentist or an endodontist are the right personnel to diagnose and recommend the root canal procedure, there are certain indicators you can watch out for to detect tooth infection. These include:

  • Severe tooth pain
  • Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods
  • Gum swelling and tenderness
  • Tooth discoloration — an infected tooth tends to darken
  • Presence of a pimple-like bump on your gums
  • Visible cracks or fractures on your tooth

When you notice the above symptoms, speed is of the essence. The sooner we treat your tooth, the better the chances of saving it before the infection spreads to the surrounding tissues. 

Endodontics: What to expect from root canal treatment

Think of root canal treatment as a trip to the heart of your tooth! The objective of a root canal is to remove the infected pulp tissue to protect your tooth from further damage. While endodontic therapy might sound scary, there is nothing to worry about. The procedure has minimal discomfort, thanks to modern anesthetics and gentle techniques. 

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Here is what to expect from root canal treatment:

  • Anesthesia: Your comfort is our priority at Precision Dental Clinic. Before embarking on treatment, we administer anesthesia to eliminate pain during the procedure. Then, we isolate your tooth with a dental dam to keep it dry and contamination-free. 
  • Accessing your tooth: Next, Dr. Kumar makes a small access hole at the top of your tooth, allowing us to access the innermost part, your pulp chamber. Then, we remove the infected tissue from the pulp chamber, down to the tip of your tooth roots. 
  • Cleaning: This step is where the magic happens. With the help of special instruments, we will delicately clean and shape the canals, ensuring we remove all bacteria and debris. After a thorough cleaning, we fill your canals with gutta-percha to prevent future infections. 
  • Tooth restoration: Finally, we close the access hole at the top of your tooth using a temporary filling. Later, we install a permanent crown to stabilize your treated tooth. 

Unlike popular myths, root canal treatment doesn’t cause pain but rather relieves you from the discomfort of your infected tooth. And not only that. Root canals save your tooth from extraction and the cost of replacing your lost tooth.

A gentle endodontist near me

Do you have an infected tooth in Dubai, UAE? We can save your tooth from extraction with root canal treatment. Please dial 04 - 2756731 to schedule an appointment with Precision Dental Clinic. With the expertise and care of Dr. Kumar and the team, you can be sure that your tooth will be in good hands every step of the way. So sit back, relax, and let’s take this journey together!

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Had been searching for an experienced Periodontist and Dr.Shweta Prabhu is just an awesome one in Dubai! What I love about her is she never upsell services and recommends you what’s best for you!

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Dr. Sharon Anand
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Dr. Anisha Kumar

We are immensely proud of our Precision Dental Clinic team. The qualified, experienced, and passionate team of expert dentists in downtown Dubai, UAE, is dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of your smile using cutting-edge technology, materials, and techniques that result in attractive, long-lasting smiles.

Our primary priority is your comfort and confidence in our knowledge and expertise. We have professionals in every branch of dentistry who sincerely care about our patients. Whatever your issues are, our highly qualified staff, with an impressive skill set, assures that your trust is in the finest possible hands.

Our dedicated team of doctors, comprising implantologist who also has a diploma in laser dentistry; Dr. Sharon Anand, a general dentist specializing in preventative and aesthetic dentistry; Dr. Punit Thawani, a specialist orthodontist and certified Invisalign provider; Dr. Shweta Prabhu, dental implant specialist, and periodontist who also is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and Dr. Anisha Kumar, a specialist endodontist who has years of expertise addressing some of the most complex root canal treatments is glad to assist you with all of your dental health requirements.

We have an excellent staff and the right work ethic to ensure you're taken care of from beginning to end.

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